Friday, 29 June 2012
Arabic Text of Mursi's Speech to Tahrir
Source: ONA
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد الله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام علي اشرف المرسلين ,,
قُلْ بِفَضْلِ اللَّهِ وَبِرَحْمَتِهِ فَبِذَلِكَ فَلْيَفْرَحُوا هُوَ خَيْرٌ مِمَّا يَجْمَعُونَ
ابناء الشعب المصري العظيم أيها الأحباب الكرام ياشعب مصر
العظيم العريق أيها الواقفون في ميدان الثورة في ميدان الحرية في ميدان
التحرير ايها الواقفون الآن في كل ميادين مصر وفي كل قري ومدن ومحافظات مصر
يا من تشاهدوننا الأن في البيوت يا من تنظرون إلي هذا الموقف .
أيها العالم الحر أيها العرب أيها المسلمون أيها الأحباب يا شعب مصر .
الأخوة والأخوات الأبناء والبنات أيها المسلمون في مصر أيها
المسيحيون في مصر أيها المواطنون الكرام أينما كنتم أيها المصريون في داخل
مصر وفي خارج مصر .
أهلي وأحبابي أعزتي ,,
ها نحن اليوم نقف لنقول للعالم أجمع هذه هي مصر هؤلاء هم
المصريون هؤلاء هم الثوار هؤلاء الذين صنعوا هذه الملحمة وهذه الثورة وهذا
هو ميدان الشهداء ها هي أراوحهم ترفر حولنا في ميدان التحرير ميدان الثورة
وميدان الشهداء في كل ميادين الشهداء وفي كل محافظات مصر أيها الأحباب
جميعاً أيها الشعب المصري العظيم في البداية وقبل أن اقول كلمات ستخرج من
قلبي إليكم .
في يوم الأحد الماضي في المساء عندما أُعلنت نتيجة الإنتخابات
وكان قرار اللجنة العليا للإنتخابات الرئاسية بفضل الله ثم بارادتكم كان
قرارها بتكليفي بأن أكون رئيسا لجمهورية مصر العربية هذا شرف عظيم وهذا
تكليف اعتز به واحمله علي ظهري في هذا اليوم تحدثت الي الشعب المصري كله في
المساء وذكرت محافظات مصر وذكرت فئات كثيرة من ابناء مصر جميعا ولكني نسيت
ولم اقصد بعد محافظات مصر وبعد الفئات المهمة التي اقدرها واحترمها.
واكرر بالتأكيد وأوكد الآن التحية الي كل ابناء مصر والشعب
المصري وإلي من انساني الشيطان ذكرهم في المحافظات دمياط والبحيرة والقاهرة
والجيزة هؤلاء هم بالضرورة أهلي وأحبابي كباقي كم ذكرت من المحافظات وكذلك
من الفئات أتوجه للتحية الي كل فئات الشعب المصري ولكني اؤكد أنني ايضا
بجانب من ذكرت يوم الأحد أكدت علي تقديري لأهل الفن والإبداع والثقافة
ولرجال الاعلام المخلصين لمصر وكذلك لأحبابي وأبنائي وأخوتي وأخواتي متحدي
الإعاقة إلي هؤلاء اؤكد بالتكرار تحية إلي جانب من ذكرت يوم الأحد الماضي
عشية تكليفي برئاسة الجمهورية أقف اليوم في ميدان الحرية معكم وانا لا أنسي
العاملين في أي مكان واؤكد العاملين في مجال السياحة والحريصين علي نهضة
هذا الوطن في كل المجالات.
أقف اليوم في ميدان الحرية معكم وميادين اخري في كل مدن مصر
لأن هذا الميدان علي وجه الخصوص شهد ميلاد جديدا لمصر الحرية والكرامة
والإرادة والتغير والنهضة والحقوق التي لا تضيع أقف معكم اليوم لأحيكم
جميعا وأحي كل الثوار في كل ميادين مصر وأحي قبلهم وأقف اليوم معكم لأحيي
كل الثوار في كل ميادين مصر وأحيي قبلهم شهدائنا الأبرار الذين تنطق جنبات
هذا المكان بتضحياتهم العظيمة وتبرهن أن دمائهم الذكية هي التي روت شجرة
الحرية وعندما نذكر الشهداء أيها الاحباب الكرام ننظر في التاريخ لنعرف أن
شجرة الحرية قد بدء غرسها وغرس جذورها رجال كرام منذ عشرات السنيين منذ
عشرات السنيين ومنذ بدايات القرن الماضي غرس الرجال جذوراً ووضعوا بذوراً
روتها دمائهم وأحيتها تضحياتهم علي مدار العشرينيات والخمسينيات والستينيات
وما ادراك ما الستينيات وبعد ذلك عقد إلي عقد إلي أن وصلنا بعد ظلم طويل
الي 25 يناير 2011 وكان شهداء هذه الثورة واحيي كذلك كل مصابي الثورة
العظام وأسرهم وكل من قدم إلي بلده وأعطي لوطنة وضحي في سبيل نهضته وتقدمة.
يارجال الثورة الصامتين عندما اقول يارجال الثورة اقصد الرجال
والنساء الأولاد والبنات اقصدكم جميعا وأنا منكم كذلك كنت وما زلت وسأبقي
دائما كنا كما تعلمون أيام الثورة في هذا المكان نقول ان الثورة يقودها
أهدافها واذا كانت الثورة مستمرة وتتبلور اليوم علي شكل إرادة واضحة إرادة
الشعب المصري بأجمعه برئيس منتخب للبلاد يقود سفينة الوطن فأنه قبل ذلك
وبعدة يقود الثورة ويقف أمام الثوار ويتقدم مسيرتهم حاملاً هذه المسؤلية
امام الله وأمامهم لتستكمل أهداف الثورة يارجال الثورة الصامدين.
أيها الشعب العظيم جئت اليكم اليوم لانني مؤمن تماما بانكم
مصدر السلطة والشرعية التي لا تعلوا عليها شرعية أنتم اهل السلطة ومصدرها
وأنتم الشرعية وأقوي ما فيها من يحتمي بغيركم يخسر ومن يسير مع إرادتكم
ينجح ونريد لوطننا النجاح .
جئت اليكم لإنكم مصدر السلطة والشرعية التي تعلوا علي الجميع
لا مكان لأحد ولا لمؤسسة ولا هيئة ولا جهة فوق هذه الإرادة الأمة مصدر
السلطات جميعها وهي التي تحكم وتقرر وتعقد وتعزل من اجل ذلك.
أتيت اليوم الي الشعب المصري والكل يسمعني الآن الشعب كله
يسمعني والوزارة والحكومة والجيش والشرطة ورجال مصر ونسائها في الداخل
والخارج لا سلطة فوق هذه السلطة أنتم اصحاب السلطة أنتم أصحاب الإرادة أنتم
مصدر هذه السلطة لكم ما تشائوا وتمنعوا عما من تشائوا يا أهل مصر جميعا من
أجل ذلك أتيت اليوم إليكم إلي الشعب المصري.
أنا مطمئن بفضل الله ثم بكم انا لا اخاف الا الله ثم اعمل لكم
ألف حساب من أجل ذلك أتيت اليوم إليكم الي الشعب المصري بعد أن أولاني
ثقته وحملني الأمانة والمسئولية جئت لأجدد العهد معكم وأذكركم أنكم وحدكم
الجهة التي دائما سابدأ منها طالباً بعد عون الله دعمها وتأييدها فهل أنتم
مستعدون هل أنتم معي إلي آخر الشوط لنحصل علي كامل حقوقنا وحقوقكم لن ينتقص
أحد كأننا من كان شي من حقوقكم ما دامت هذه إرادتكم بعد إرادة الله .
ها أنا أقف أمامكم أيها الشعب المصري العظيم قبل اي جهه اخري
وقبل اي اجراءت اخري واقول ايها الشعب المصري العظيم أيها الواقفون في كل
الميادين او المشاهدون في كل البيوت يا من انتخبتموني ويا من عارضتموني وما
زلتم أنا لكم جميعاً في مكان واحد وعلي مسافة واحدة ولن ينتقص حق من حقوقه
من قالوا لي لا كما لا ينتقص حق من حقوق من قالوا نعم هذه هي الديمقراطية
نحن نمضي إلي البناء أنا أقف امامكم أيها الشعب المصري العظيم أقول باعلي
صوت .
“يامن تقفون الان هنا وفي كل محافظات مصر ومدينة وقرية انتم
الأصل وغيركم عندكم وكيل واذا غاب الوكيل أو النائب أعود إلي الأصل أعاهد
الله وأعاهدكم :
أقسم بالله العظيم أن احافظ مخلصاً علي النظام الجمهوري وأن
احترم الدستور والقانون وأن ارعي مصالح الشعب رعاية كاملة واحافظ علي
استقلال الوطن وسلامة اراضيه .. اقسم امامكم “.
اعهد الله واعهدكم ياشعب مصر ويجماهير مصر من اقصائها الي
اقصلها اعهدكنم علي ذلك واتعهد امامكم بشهادة ربنا والعالم بالوفاء بذلك
اعهدكم ان اعمل معكم في كل لحظة لتوحيد قوتنا ورفضي الي اي محاولة لانتزاع
سلطة الشعب او نوابة واكد لكم جميعا اني كرئيس لكل المصريين وبعد الاجراءت
القانونية التي اقدرها واحترمها لانها لن تكون ابدا عقبة بل سامضي باراتكم
لتخطي كل العقبات واوكد رفضي لاي محاولة وانا صاحب القرار بتوكيلكم واراتكم
امضي بذلم فلا مجال لانتزاع سلطة الشعب او نوابة اوكد لكم انني لن اتهون
في اي صلاحية من صلاحيات رئيس الجمهورية ولن اتهوان ولم افرد ولا املك ان
افعل ذلك وليس من حقي ان افرد في الصلاحيات والمهام التي اوكلتمهوا الي
واخترتوني علي اساسها عقد بيني وبينكطم علي ذلك وهذا هو مفهوم الدولة
الحديثة ولا يعني ذلك اننا لن نحترم القانون او لا نعلي من قيمة الدستور
والقضاة لا تعارض بين هذا وذاك ساعمل معكم في كل لحظة من اجل تخحقيق كافةو
اهداف الصثورة ولا اتهون في اي حق من حقوقها او حقوق شهدائها دماء الشهداء
والجرحي والمصابين القصاص لهؤلاء دين في رقبتي لن اتهاون فيه وساعمل معكم
في كل لحظة من ولاتي الرئاسة علي بقاء النسيج الوطني متماسك قوي وساغلب
وسوف اغلب مصالح الوطن العليا علي كل ما دون ذلك عاقد العزم علي ارساء
مبادء العدل والحق والحرية والمبادء الاجتماعية وازاله كل اشطال الفساد
والظلم والتمييز الظلم ظلمات يوم القيامة والظالم لم يفلت وها نحن نري اخذ
الله للظالميين ساعمل معكم علي نهضة الاقتصاد المصري ورفع المعانها عن كاهل
مكلايين المصريين من اجل حياة كريمة واجتماعية وهي هدف كل مؤسسات الدولة
ساكون معكم واتواصل مع الجميع ابواب مفتوحة وليست مغلقة وارحب بكم دائما
علي اتصال دائم ” ثوار احرار هنكمل المشوار “
هنكمل المشوار . في دولة مدنية وطنية دستورية حديثة لا نعطل
الانتاج ولا نعطل المرور ولا نعتدي علي الملكيات الخاصو والعاكمة نحافظ علي
بعضنا البعض ولا مجال للصدام او التخوين كل ابناء مصر في كل مؤسساتها
ويهئاتها وعزبها ومدنها وقراها علي شرق البلاد وغربها وشكالها وجنوبها كلهم
” ايد واحدة ” ساتواصل مع الجميع ولا افرق بين مؤيدين ومعارضين اطلب
النصيحة منكم والعون من الله ومن كل ابناء شعب مصر ساعمل معكم علي عودة مصر
رائدة في ابداعها وثقافتها واعلامها وتعليمها وبحثها وعلمها والصناعه فيها
والانتاج والزراعه بكل انواع العمل وبكل الاتقان ان الله يحب اذا عمل
احدكم عملا ان يتقنة وسنتقن العمكل معا لنصل الي بر الامان وساعمل معكم
جميعا علي ان نكون شركاء في هذا العمل الوطني ونوسع الثقة بيننا ونعظم
التوافق والائتلاف ساعمل معكم ان تعود مصر حرة في اراتها وعلاقتها الخارجية
وساحذف اي معني للتبعية لاي قوة مهما كانت مصر حرة علي ارضها وحرة بقرارها
وحركتها جاءنا برساله سلام لا نعتدي علي احد ولكننا قادرين بالجميع ان نرد
بل نمنع اي عدوان علينا من اي جهه كانت سنصنع معا ايها الاحباب المواطنيين
وايها الشعب الكريم مفهوما جديدا للعلاقات الخارجية مع الجميع ونمد ايدينا
مع الجميع واحظر من ان ينال احد كان من كان من كرامة مصر اوكبرئاهيا او
يفكر في ان ينال من كرامة شعبها او كرامة رئيسها بغض النظر عن الشخص ولكني
اتحدث عن اراتدكم نؤكد علي مفهوم امننا القومي الكامل في العمق الافريقي
والعالم العربي والسلامي وباقي دول العالم لم نفرض في حقوقنا ولا نفرض في
حق اي مصري في الخارج وسيكون نظامنا السيغاسي الذي يحترم ارادة الشعب هو
المحرك الاساسي لعلاقتنا الخارجية ساكون دائما او الداعمين لاستمرار الثورة
قوية وفاعله وحاضرة في كل مكان وفي كل زاوزية من زوايا الوطن والعمل
الوطني اريد لهذه الحناجر بهذه الارادة ان تستمر لتعلي دائما اننا احرار
وثوار وسنكمل علي ذلك المشوار لنستمكر ننشد نشيد وطننا بالحب وحب مصر فرض
علينا حب الوطن نستمر جميعا ننشد نشيد الحرية معا وتذكروا ماقال الاولون
وقف الخلق ينظرون جميعا كيف ابني قواعد الملك وحدي
ايها الثوار ايها الشعب المصري العظيم اوكد لكم واحب ان ابقي
معكم ولا اترككم ولكنها ايها الاحباب الاوقات والمسئوليات اوكد لكم في ختام
هذه الكلمة القصيرة .
كنت اراي اسر الشيخ عبد الرحمن والمعتقلين هؤلاء حقهم عليا
وسابذل كل جهد من الغد حتي يتحرر هؤلاء ومنهم الشيخ عمرة عبد الرحمن واوكد
في ختام هذه الكلمة ما رتدنا جميعا كشعارات سنحقق معا قوتنا في وحدتنا
اتحدوا كونا اخواننا لوطنكم احباء في ظل الحب والمحبة ترتقي مسيرة الامة
والله معكم ومعنا واالله غالب علي امرة واكثر الناس لا يعلمون معا نمضي الي
الامام ثوار احرار وسنستمر لتحقيق باقي الاهداف نحترم ارادة الشعب
والقانون والدستور والاحكام التي تصدر من قضاء مصر الشامخ .
Video: Two Key Symbolic Moments from Mursi's Speech
In the first clip, Mursi opens his jacket and shows the audience that he is not wearing a bulletproof vest. In the second, he pushes his guards away to allow the people an unobstructed view.
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Watani: Church leaders visit president elect
Nader Shukry
The three churches in Egypt, the Orthodox, Catholic, and Evangelical,
have all congratulated Egypt’s president elect Mohamed Mursi.
Nader Shukry
The three churches in Egypt, the Orthodox, Catholic, and Evangelical, have all congratulated Egypt’s president elect Mohamed Mursi.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
A Round-Up of Reaction to Mursi's Victory
- Twitter Transformed Into a Barometer of Anxiety and Exasperation as Egypt Waited for the Name of Its New President -
- 25 June 2012
- Lawyers dog Ahmed Shafiq with corruption charges - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online
- Youth movements pledge to support Morsy | Egypt Independent
- The new Egyptian president is a 'ghost' stripped of authorities: Abul-Fotouh - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online
- Coptic coalition urges Morsy to treat Egyptians equally | Egypt Independent
- 'Morsimeter' Facebook page to gauge president-elect’s performance | Egypt Independent
- Morsy starts consultations over presidential team and Cabinet | Egypt Independent
- Celebration in Egypt as Morsi declared winner - YouTube
- Euphoria in Tahrir Following Morsi Win - YouTube
- Egypt's Islamist president gets to work | News by Country | Reuters
- Named Egypt’s Winner, Islamist Makes History -
- Protesters pledge to remain in Tahrir until power handed to Morsy | Egypt Independent
- Cabinet submits resignation to military council | Egypt Independent
- Egypt elections - in pictures | World news |
- 24 June 2012
- Video of Joy and Despair in Cairo -
- Egypt’s Islamist President Mursi to begin consultations on new administration
- Challenges Multiply for Presidential Winner in Egypt -
- Mohammed Morsi: Egypt's accidental president - The National
- Egyptians celeberate Mursi presidential win with sweets, dancing - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online
- Grief overwhelms imprisoned ex-regime figures after Shafiq's defeat - News - Aswat Masriya
- ANALYSIS-Egypt Islamists face new compromises | News by Country | Reuters
- Mubarak’s health deteriorates after hearing of Morsy’s victory | Egypt Independent
- Activists, ex-presidential hopefuls react to Mursi presidency win - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online
- Morsy pledges to be president of all Egyptians | Egypt Independent
- Egypt: a landmark victory | Editorial | Comment is free | The Guardian
- Brotherhood campaigners elated as Mursi is named Egypt's next president - Ahram Online
- After victory, Brotherhood celebrate their patience | Egypt Independent
- Morsy congratulates Egyptians, thanking judiciary, police and army | Egypt Independent
- Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi declared president of Egypt | World news |
- NEWSMAKER-Egypt's Morsy goes from prisoner to president | News by Country | Reuters
- Profile: Mohamed Morsi | World news |
- Mursi in power: a time-line of diminishing presidential prerogatives - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online
- Muslim Brotherhood terminates Mursi's membership - News - Aswat Masriya
- Baheyya: Egypt Analysis and Whimsy بهيّة: Democracy v. Oligarchy, Round 2
- Mohamed Morsi victory is a landmark for Egypt – but a qualified one | Comment is free | The Guardian
- Meet your president: Mohamed Morsy | Egypt Independent
- Shafiq campaigners in disbelief, hysteria following election loss | Egypt Independent
- Mohamed Morsi Declared Winner in Egyptian Election - Slide Show -
- Mohamed Mursi: Egypt’s first Islamist president
- Mohamed Morsi of Muslim Brotherhood Declared as Egypt’s President -
- BREAKING: Brotherhood's Mursi elected first non-military president of Egypt - Ahram Online
- Elections commission: Morsy is president | Egypt Independent
Monday, 25 June 2012
Sunday, 24 June 2012
English Translation: Egyptian President-elect Mohamed Morsi's speech
via Borzou Daragahi
the name of God, the most compassionate, the most merciful. Thanks be
to Allah, prayers and peace be upon the messenger of Allah. Say: In the
bounty of Allah and in His mercy: therein let them rejoice. It is better
than what they hoard (Quranic verse). Egyptian people, you who today
are rejoicing and celebrating the feast of democracy in Egypt, you who
are standing in squares, in the Tahrir Square and in all the squares of
Egypt, my beloved ones, my family and people, my brethren and my sons,
who are looking forward to the future, you who want good, rebirth,
development, stability, safety and security for our country of Egypt. My
beloved ones, I address you thanks to God Almighty. We all thank God
for reaching this historic moment, this moment which represents a
landmark that has been written with the hands and wills of the
Egyptians, their blood, tears and sacrifices, this moment, which we are
all shaping with these sacrifices. I would not have talked to you today
as the first president elected by the free will of Egyptians in the
first presidential elections after the 25 January revolution, I would
not have been here today with you now amid this sweeping joy, which is
sweeping all corners of our beloved homeland, I would not have been here
but for God's help and these sacrifices, the precious blood of our
honourable martyrs and our great injured men.
Thanks and salute to the martyrs, to the souls of martyrs, to the mothers and fathers of martyrs, to my people who have lost their dear ones and sacrificed them for the sake of Egypt. My supplications go to these martyrs and the injured people, who watered the tree of freedom with their blood and paved the way for us to reach this moment. I again repeat my appreciation and thanks to the families of all of those who taught their children the meaning of martyrdom and true patriotism and who showed patience for the loss of their dear ones as a price for freedom, who showed patience for the loss of their dear ones as a price for freedom (repetition).
I promise them once again that this precious blood will not go in vain. Salute to the great Egyptian people, the best soldiers on earth, to the Armed Forces, to all its sons wherever they are, pure salutations from my heart to them and I bear them love that nobody knows except for God Almighty. I love them and appreciate their role and show keenness to strengthen them and keep them and this prestigious organization [the army] that we all love and appreciate.
And for the honourable policemen, the policemen who are my brothers and sons, some of whom mistakenly believe that I might feel less appreciation for them and that is wrong. Whoever commits a crime is punished according to the law. As for the honest policemen, who are the majority of my brothers and sons among policemen in Egypt, for those, I'm obliged to salute them because they have a big role to play in the future to maintain safety and security inside the homeland. Due salutations, too, to all Egyptian judges, who supervised all the elections after the revolution and even to those who have not supervised the elections. All judges in Egypt should be appreciated, respected and loved, and they are the third authority that should always keep its head high, remain independent, possess its own will and work separately from the executive power, and my responsibility in the future is to make sure that judges truly and genuinely work separately from the executive and legislative powers. I say to everyone, to all categories of the Egyptian people, to my people in this witnessed day that I'm today by your choice, by your own will, after thanks go to God Almighty, today I am a president for all Egyptians, wherever they are, inside and outside the country, in all governorates, cities, towns of Egypt, on its eastern borders, western borders, southern borders and northern borders and in the middle of the country.
Our vast Egyptian lands, its generous people, my beloved people, the people of Nubia, the people of Rafah, Arish, South Sinai, Mersa Matrouh, west Egypt, north Egypt and Delta provinces, Port Sa'id, cities of the (Suez) Canal; Ismailiya and Suez, Al-Sharqiyah, Al-Daqahliya, Kafr el-Shaykh, Al-Gharbiya, Al-Menoufiya, Al-Qalubiya, Alexandria, the Oases, the Red Sea, South Sinai, southern Upper Egypt; Bani Suef, Al-Fayoum, Al-Minya, Assiut, Suhaj, Qena, Luxor, Aswan, Nubia once again and the Oases, all my people, all my Egyptian people, Muslims and Christians alike, men and women, the old and the elderly and the young men, mothers and fathers, peasants and workers, public servants, teachers, university professors, businessmen, public servants, workers in the Public Enterprise sector and the government departments and the private sector, those who work in all state institutions, merchants, drivers, bus, trains, taxis, tok-tok cars, they are all my people, those who have professions, owners of small kiosks, owners of small shops, vendors selling goods on road pavements, the elderly, the students who go to public and private schools, those who have professions, everyone, I hope I don't ever forget anyone.
I address you all on this remarkable day in which I was chosen, thanks to Allah and your will, president for all Egyptians, and will stand at an equal distance from all Egyptians, everyone has his own value and standing, nobody is dealt with differently except on the basis of their giving to his country and the amount of respect they show for the constitution and law.
I can never forget the people who work in the diplomatic corps and the workers in the General Intelligence Service and those who maintain the security of the homeland against its enemies wherever they are. I cannot forget all of them.
Oh Egyptian people, Egypt, this beloved Egypt which lives in our hearts, our homeland which we all love, Egypt, which impressed the world with its revolution and the sacrifices of its young men, which impressed the world with the queues of its voters, with the keenness of its sons to stand in line in the queues outside polling stations, whether during the constitutional referendum held in March 2011, or in the People's Assembly elections in late 2011, or in the Shura Council elections in early 2012, or in the presidential elections which ended on 17 June, and whose results we celebrate today, and we respect these results.
Egypt, which impressed the world with the queues of its voters, needs now to close ranks, unite the word, so that the patient, great Egyptian people can reap the fruit of their sacrifices in a better life, achieve social justice, freedom and human dignity, which are the basic slogans or the main goals that the throats of the revolutionaries kept repeating in all Egyptian squares on the 25th of January 2011, and which revolutionaries still repeat loudly in all the squares of the revolution, which is still continuing.
The revolution will continue until all its objectives are achieved. Together, we complete this march. The people have been patient, the Egyptian people have been patient and since then suffered disease, hunger, injustice, oppression, marginalization, the rigging of will and the rigging of elections. We used to look around in the world and say: when will Egypt, the Egyptian people, be the source of power? Today, you are the source of power as the world can see in this epic, in this great system through which we would take Egypt to a better future, god willing.
The people have been patient and long suffered disease, hunger, injustice and oppression, and it is time they restored their will, freedom and found a better life without painstaking and found justice that does not differentiate between an old and a young one or between an employee and an employer, because everyone before the law is equal.
I, my beloved ones the people of Egypt, who have trusted me and put on my shoulder the responsibility, this heavy responsibility, say to all of you, I, thanks to God, have been put in authority over you and I am not the best of you. I have been put in authority over you and I am not the best of you (repetition). I will do my best to fulfil the commitments and obligations I have undertaken before all of you. Egypt is for all Egyptians, all of us are equals in terms of rights. All of us also have duties towards this homeland. As for myself, I don't have rights. I only have duties. I have no rights. Rather, I only have duties. So, help me, my people. Help me as long as I do the right thing. Help me as long as obey Allah in you. If I did not do that and did not commit to what I have promised you before, then obedience to me is not incumbent upon you. Obedience to me is not incumbent on you (repetition).I invite you, the great Egyptian people, my people in this historic moment to strengthen our national unity, to cement bonds amongst us, to strengthen our comprehensive national unity. And hold fast, all of you together, to the cable of Allah, and do not separate (Quranic verse).
We are all Egyptians no matter what our viewpoints, we are all nationalists no matter what our parties and trends. We are all faithful to the revolution and to the blood of martyrs. There is no place for the language of collusion and there is no place for accusing each other of treachery. This national unity is the way now to get Egypt out of this difficult stage and to prepare for a comprehensive project in which we are all involved; a comprehensive project for the real rebirth of Egypt, real development, real capitalization of all our resources. Our resources are massive. God's blessings are numerous. And if ye would count the bounty of Allah ye cannot reckon it (Quranic verse). But as you all know, these resources were plundered and misused. We are today about to run these resources in a way that benefits us all, God willing.I invite you to prepare for a comprehensive project of rebirth, for the Egyptian rebirth, with the hands of all Egyptians. We Egyptians, Muslims and Christians, we Egyptians, Muslims and Christians, are advocates of civilization and construction.
We have always been like that and will remain so, God willing. We will face together seditions and conspiracies that aim at our national unity and our social coherence. As we have together made the great revolution of January 2011, we insist that you impress the world once more with Egyptian renaissance, God willing, that achieves dignity and stability, welfare, good life for every free, dignified Egyptian in the land of Egypt.
I am intent with your help to build a new Egypt, a national country, a constitutional, democratic, modern country, and all my time will be dedicated to this big project which is based on our identity and reference. I will work hard with all of you to maintain Egypt's national security, with all its dimensions, whether at Arab, African, regional or international levels. We will maintain international charters and conventions.
We came to the world with a message of peace. We will maintain international charters and conventions and the commitments and agreements Egypt has signed with the world. We will also work to make the Egyptian system of ethics, and its civilizational identity, in addition to human values particularly in freedoms, respect for human rights, maintaining rights of women and children and abrogating all sorts of discrimination. We will establish, God willing, balanced relations with all world powers, we will establish balanced relations between us and other world countries based on common interests and mutual respect and benefits to all sides.
We will not allow ourselves to interfere in the internal affairs of any country in the same way that we will not allow any interference in our affairs and hence maintain our national sovereignty and the borders of the Egyptian state. Let everybody knows that Egypt's decision is made inside it, by the will of its sons, let everybody know that Egypt by our call for peace with all the world is capable by its people, men, people, armed forces, great history, of defending itself and preventing any aggression or thoughts of aggression against it or against its sons in any part of this world.
You great Egyptian people, my people and family, I realize the challenges facing us at this stage but I'm sure that we with God's help and our cooperation and your support would be able to cross this stage quickly so that Egypt can be strong and leading to its nation, pioneering in its world. This is Egypt's destiny and what is waiting it. This is Egypt's destiny and what is waiting it in the future, God willing.
I reiterate that while we all are celebrating and rejoicing with this great democracy, with these elections, with the victory of the nation's will in the way that you are celebrating now. I reiterate what I have said before that I will not betray Allah in you, would not betray Allah in you and would not disobey Him in my country.
I set before my eyes God's saying: and guard yourselves against a day in which ye will be brought back to Allah. Then every soul will be paid in full that which it hath earned, and they will not be wronged. Repeat with me my beloved ones, with our will, our unity, our love for each other, we can shape the decent future for all of us. Some might not see that from outside the homeland or feel it is difficult for us to achieve that out of sympathy for us or for other reasons, however, we, God willing, can go ahead along this path to achieve a better future.
Allah guideth us all to the best of ways. My beloved ones, some see this, but we see it together close, God willing. Tomorrow is very soon. And Allah was predominant in His career, but most of mankind know not (Quranic verse). Peace and God's blessings be upon you.
Thanks and salute to the martyrs, to the souls of martyrs, to the mothers and fathers of martyrs, to my people who have lost their dear ones and sacrificed them for the sake of Egypt. My supplications go to these martyrs and the injured people, who watered the tree of freedom with their blood and paved the way for us to reach this moment. I again repeat my appreciation and thanks to the families of all of those who taught their children the meaning of martyrdom and true patriotism and who showed patience for the loss of their dear ones as a price for freedom, who showed patience for the loss of their dear ones as a price for freedom (repetition).
I promise them once again that this precious blood will not go in vain. Salute to the great Egyptian people, the best soldiers on earth, to the Armed Forces, to all its sons wherever they are, pure salutations from my heart to them and I bear them love that nobody knows except for God Almighty. I love them and appreciate their role and show keenness to strengthen them and keep them and this prestigious organization [the army] that we all love and appreciate.
And for the honourable policemen, the policemen who are my brothers and sons, some of whom mistakenly believe that I might feel less appreciation for them and that is wrong. Whoever commits a crime is punished according to the law. As for the honest policemen, who are the majority of my brothers and sons among policemen in Egypt, for those, I'm obliged to salute them because they have a big role to play in the future to maintain safety and security inside the homeland. Due salutations, too, to all Egyptian judges, who supervised all the elections after the revolution and even to those who have not supervised the elections. All judges in Egypt should be appreciated, respected and loved, and they are the third authority that should always keep its head high, remain independent, possess its own will and work separately from the executive power, and my responsibility in the future is to make sure that judges truly and genuinely work separately from the executive and legislative powers. I say to everyone, to all categories of the Egyptian people, to my people in this witnessed day that I'm today by your choice, by your own will, after thanks go to God Almighty, today I am a president for all Egyptians, wherever they are, inside and outside the country, in all governorates, cities, towns of Egypt, on its eastern borders, western borders, southern borders and northern borders and in the middle of the country.
Our vast Egyptian lands, its generous people, my beloved people, the people of Nubia, the people of Rafah, Arish, South Sinai, Mersa Matrouh, west Egypt, north Egypt and Delta provinces, Port Sa'id, cities of the (Suez) Canal; Ismailiya and Suez, Al-Sharqiyah, Al-Daqahliya, Kafr el-Shaykh, Al-Gharbiya, Al-Menoufiya, Al-Qalubiya, Alexandria, the Oases, the Red Sea, South Sinai, southern Upper Egypt; Bani Suef, Al-Fayoum, Al-Minya, Assiut, Suhaj, Qena, Luxor, Aswan, Nubia once again and the Oases, all my people, all my Egyptian people, Muslims and Christians alike, men and women, the old and the elderly and the young men, mothers and fathers, peasants and workers, public servants, teachers, university professors, businessmen, public servants, workers in the Public Enterprise sector and the government departments and the private sector, those who work in all state institutions, merchants, drivers, bus, trains, taxis, tok-tok cars, they are all my people, those who have professions, owners of small kiosks, owners of small shops, vendors selling goods on road pavements, the elderly, the students who go to public and private schools, those who have professions, everyone, I hope I don't ever forget anyone.
I address you all on this remarkable day in which I was chosen, thanks to Allah and your will, president for all Egyptians, and will stand at an equal distance from all Egyptians, everyone has his own value and standing, nobody is dealt with differently except on the basis of their giving to his country and the amount of respect they show for the constitution and law.
I can never forget the people who work in the diplomatic corps and the workers in the General Intelligence Service and those who maintain the security of the homeland against its enemies wherever they are. I cannot forget all of them.
Oh Egyptian people, Egypt, this beloved Egypt which lives in our hearts, our homeland which we all love, Egypt, which impressed the world with its revolution and the sacrifices of its young men, which impressed the world with the queues of its voters, with the keenness of its sons to stand in line in the queues outside polling stations, whether during the constitutional referendum held in March 2011, or in the People's Assembly elections in late 2011, or in the Shura Council elections in early 2012, or in the presidential elections which ended on 17 June, and whose results we celebrate today, and we respect these results.
Egypt, which impressed the world with the queues of its voters, needs now to close ranks, unite the word, so that the patient, great Egyptian people can reap the fruit of their sacrifices in a better life, achieve social justice, freedom and human dignity, which are the basic slogans or the main goals that the throats of the revolutionaries kept repeating in all Egyptian squares on the 25th of January 2011, and which revolutionaries still repeat loudly in all the squares of the revolution, which is still continuing.
The revolution will continue until all its objectives are achieved. Together, we complete this march. The people have been patient, the Egyptian people have been patient and since then suffered disease, hunger, injustice, oppression, marginalization, the rigging of will and the rigging of elections. We used to look around in the world and say: when will Egypt, the Egyptian people, be the source of power? Today, you are the source of power as the world can see in this epic, in this great system through which we would take Egypt to a better future, god willing.
The people have been patient and long suffered disease, hunger, injustice and oppression, and it is time they restored their will, freedom and found a better life without painstaking and found justice that does not differentiate between an old and a young one or between an employee and an employer, because everyone before the law is equal.
I, my beloved ones the people of Egypt, who have trusted me and put on my shoulder the responsibility, this heavy responsibility, say to all of you, I, thanks to God, have been put in authority over you and I am not the best of you. I have been put in authority over you and I am not the best of you (repetition). I will do my best to fulfil the commitments and obligations I have undertaken before all of you. Egypt is for all Egyptians, all of us are equals in terms of rights. All of us also have duties towards this homeland. As for myself, I don't have rights. I only have duties. I have no rights. Rather, I only have duties. So, help me, my people. Help me as long as I do the right thing. Help me as long as obey Allah in you. If I did not do that and did not commit to what I have promised you before, then obedience to me is not incumbent upon you. Obedience to me is not incumbent on you (repetition).I invite you, the great Egyptian people, my people in this historic moment to strengthen our national unity, to cement bonds amongst us, to strengthen our comprehensive national unity. And hold fast, all of you together, to the cable of Allah, and do not separate (Quranic verse).
We are all Egyptians no matter what our viewpoints, we are all nationalists no matter what our parties and trends. We are all faithful to the revolution and to the blood of martyrs. There is no place for the language of collusion and there is no place for accusing each other of treachery. This national unity is the way now to get Egypt out of this difficult stage and to prepare for a comprehensive project in which we are all involved; a comprehensive project for the real rebirth of Egypt, real development, real capitalization of all our resources. Our resources are massive. God's blessings are numerous. And if ye would count the bounty of Allah ye cannot reckon it (Quranic verse). But as you all know, these resources were plundered and misused. We are today about to run these resources in a way that benefits us all, God willing.I invite you to prepare for a comprehensive project of rebirth, for the Egyptian rebirth, with the hands of all Egyptians. We Egyptians, Muslims and Christians, we Egyptians, Muslims and Christians, are advocates of civilization and construction.
We have always been like that and will remain so, God willing. We will face together seditions and conspiracies that aim at our national unity and our social coherence. As we have together made the great revolution of January 2011, we insist that you impress the world once more with Egyptian renaissance, God willing, that achieves dignity and stability, welfare, good life for every free, dignified Egyptian in the land of Egypt.
I am intent with your help to build a new Egypt, a national country, a constitutional, democratic, modern country, and all my time will be dedicated to this big project which is based on our identity and reference. I will work hard with all of you to maintain Egypt's national security, with all its dimensions, whether at Arab, African, regional or international levels. We will maintain international charters and conventions.
We came to the world with a message of peace. We will maintain international charters and conventions and the commitments and agreements Egypt has signed with the world. We will also work to make the Egyptian system of ethics, and its civilizational identity, in addition to human values particularly in freedoms, respect for human rights, maintaining rights of women and children and abrogating all sorts of discrimination. We will establish, God willing, balanced relations with all world powers, we will establish balanced relations between us and other world countries based on common interests and mutual respect and benefits to all sides.
We will not allow ourselves to interfere in the internal affairs of any country in the same way that we will not allow any interference in our affairs and hence maintain our national sovereignty and the borders of the Egyptian state. Let everybody knows that Egypt's decision is made inside it, by the will of its sons, let everybody know that Egypt by our call for peace with all the world is capable by its people, men, people, armed forces, great history, of defending itself and preventing any aggression or thoughts of aggression against it or against its sons in any part of this world.
You great Egyptian people, my people and family, I realize the challenges facing us at this stage but I'm sure that we with God's help and our cooperation and your support would be able to cross this stage quickly so that Egypt can be strong and leading to its nation, pioneering in its world. This is Egypt's destiny and what is waiting it. This is Egypt's destiny and what is waiting it in the future, God willing.
I reiterate that while we all are celebrating and rejoicing with this great democracy, with these elections, with the victory of the nation's will in the way that you are celebrating now. I reiterate what I have said before that I will not betray Allah in you, would not betray Allah in you and would not disobey Him in my country.
I set before my eyes God's saying: and guard yourselves against a day in which ye will be brought back to Allah. Then every soul will be paid in full that which it hath earned, and they will not be wronged. Repeat with me my beloved ones, with our will, our unity, our love for each other, we can shape the decent future for all of us. Some might not see that from outside the homeland or feel it is difficult for us to achieve that out of sympathy for us or for other reasons, however, we, God willing, can go ahead along this path to achieve a better future.
Allah guideth us all to the best of ways. My beloved ones, some see this, but we see it together close, God willing. Tomorrow is very soon. And Allah was predominant in His career, but most of mankind know not (Quranic verse). Peace and God's blessings be upon you.
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