Tuesday 9 December 2014

Twelve Excerpts from the CIA Report that Caught My Attention

1.  On torture methods:
2.  On waterboarding:
3.  On the torture of Abu Zubaydah:
4.  On the torture of Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri:
 5.  On the psychologist acting as interrogator:
 6.  On how US 'managed' relations with hosts of torture facilities:
7.  On why Ramzi bin al-Shibh was tortured:
 8.  On the construction of a 'black site' that was never used:
 9.  On the 'last detainee' tortured (in 2007):
 10.  On the company of the psychologist contractors whom the CIA employed for the program:
 11.  On the misrepresentation of Khalid Shaikh Muhammad's 'interrogation':
 12.  On the ineffectiveness of torture: